-It is a common misconception in our times that the great beasts of antiquity died out in the war of the gods. A few species had managed to sustain small communities and be met by early tribes, who let them find their way into the monsters of their mythologies.
As old worlds fell and new worlds rose, it was on the outskirts of the Eastern territories of our Roman Empire that a new species of Rhino was observed and captured. More obscure than some of the beasts of the other territories, these three horned Rhino’s with their armor plating were perfect designations by the gods for Gladiatorial combat.
It was at the festival of Equirria, the Gladiator Centumalus was delivered the challenge for glory against one of these divine battle beasts. Having defeated all previous challenges in his reign as champion Gladiator, he now was given the honor of either facing a glorious death, or defeating the prized animal and grasping it’s spiritus. Should he win, the rewards would be many, honorary bodyguard to the Caesar himself, as the greatest, most divine warrior and the prize of the three horns would ensure immortality and the right to father divine warrior sons.
The Emperor was seated, the drums thundered, the trumpets bellowed, the gates opened and the crowd roared. The combat commenced...-

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Tamiya Triceratops Eurycephalus Model Kit
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