This is the first model I ever tried to light, but this took place long after construction so for the front headlights the bulbs sit externally to avoid cracking the model. Also the rear engine lights are in actuality a standard amber hue but for the picture it was altered to appear blue. My paint work/details are around 60% complete as there are lots more overall hull details that weren't too easily spotted in the regular references of the time. Since then, further books and the Star Wars touring exhibits (along with the kindly fans who have put their images on sundry web sites for all to share in) have allowed the sort of access one could only dream about in days gone by. My thanks to them all for allowing us to get so much closer to, and learn from the masters and artists that designed, created and built such wonderful ships.

These are some WIP pics of the Revell Millennium Falcon. The Revell kit is a little smaller than the MPC edition, but it offered a good opportunity to start this project from the outset and I'm having a bash at fully lighting it, including the landing lights and so forth. One of the problems with so many separate lighting paths (engines/ landing gear/ headlights/ cockpit/ side wall) is deciding where to go with all the wires. Hopefully I'll figure that out one of these days.

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